Library Policies
Book Checkout:
- Students may check out 4 books at a time.
- Books check out for 15 school days.
- Books may be renewed online in the online catalog or in person . Students are encouraged to set up a library account online.
Students in the Library:
- Students are welcome in the library before school, at lunch, and after school.
- Students are welcome in the library during classes with a library pass from their teacher.
- While in the library, students should be working, reading, looking for a book, or conducting research.
- Please do not yell or distract others that are reading or working in the library.
- No gum, food, or drink is permitted in the library.
- Please respect others and all Library property and materials.
Printing & Copies:
- Printing is free to students.
Lost Books:
- If a student borrows a book, and it is lost or damaged, the student must pay for the item. If the book was lost, and later returned (within a reasonable amount of time), the student’s money will be refunded.