2220 E. Bengal Blvd, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

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Office Hours:
Mon. – Fri.: 7 AM – 3 PM

January 18, 2023 – Minutes

BHS SCC Agenda

 Wednesday, January 18th  2023 at 3:30pm in the WBL/Counseling

BHS Mission Statement – At Brighton High, we choose to be better today than we were yesterday. In attendance: In attendance: Tom Sherwood, Julie Clawson(SCC Chair), Kim Steenblik (SCC Vice-Chair), Catherine Bates (Secretary)

Staff Members: , Alia Gonzales,  Aaron Hadfield,  Catherine Bates, Emily Nance Ernest Pulliam, Jodi Roberts, Kellie Clark, Pace Gardner, , Lisa Prudden, Paul Winkelman

Parent Members:  Julie Clawson, Katie Dahle, Cindy England, Mila Gleason, Kari Griffee, Tyson Grover, Liz Jenkins, Matt Misbach, Stefanie Ripplinger, Cherie Sadowski, Jodi Saelund, Michelle Schmidt, ,  Ily Murdock (PTSA President/Rep), Marci Cardon, Monica, Meyer, and LeRoy Vea 


  • Approve Minutes from November 2022 meeting motioned by Lisa Prudden and seconded by Ernest Pulliam
  • Sub Committees
    • Feeder School Meeting–date?—Marci Cardon
      • Set for the 1st in the view, the culinary arts is catering invitations on Monday, questions need to be submitted in advance in lieu of a Q&A at the end. Amber and Nancy are planning on being there.
    • Land Trust and TSSP = current plan is on the web page. Plan to meet after the regular meeting in February for full discussion.
    • Above & Beyond
      • Email needs to go out to parents Tom will send it out first thing tomorrow. The amount of response via parent square is better than email.
      • Still looking for certificates or gift cards for above and beyond—need eight gift cards, movie vouchers don’t count as gift cards anything as cash we can’t do, send Stef Ripplinger ideas if you have any


  • Doing CCR’s with juniors so they know what to take as seniors
  • All parents are invited with specific times
  • College day on February 1st
  • Bengal fair on Febraury 8th
  • Arena scheduling starts Feb 13th and course selection the 8th for next year
  • ACT prep courses for the test on March 7th
  • The counselors will go to Albion on 15th butler on 14th


  • Still selling shirts at many events
  • Graduation is on the 25th so the Bengal Bash is on the 25th as well, so we are sharing the rec center with the public till 12
  • PTC dinners went well—Thank You
  • PTSA day at the capitol coming up they have a bus for students to go to the legislative session and meet with some leaders February the 7th
  • Tom notes that we changed the times for PTC parents noted they liked the in person time teachers felt like it was a good balance, there are no room numbers for teachers when you schedule it, Tom will see if you can add that to skyward for the next conference. Some want an open time for drop ins with no schedules.
  • PTSA has a closet now.


  • Check skyward
  • Come to class—attendance is dropping off


  • TSSP and LANDTrust – We will discuss this after next months meeting
  • Update on Construction-Crosswalk
    • The lights are up at the crosswalk a huge improvement, parents agree is a big improvement. The signage will never come. And electrical things still need to be addressed.
  • Cell Tower Fund update –Grant Applications
    • Opened in November through winter recess, many different applications came through, with a specific application
    • 17 applications 76,082.15 were requested and we put aside 30,000
    • Recommendations by the subcommittee
      • Physics engineering supplies that aren’t disposable
      • Senior English capstone projects
      • Jewelry engraving ball vices
      • Supplies for Chinese calligraphy and cultural celebrations
      • Brighton bands for instructors to come teach different groups twice a month till next year.
      • Robotics cnc engraver machine
      • Ball vices for jewelry
      • Teacher for books based for brain based learning
      • Orchestra—money earmarked for future purchase of harp
      • People of the pacific supplies for students to make art that includes music, costumes, and lei’s
  • Once they get the SCC approval they will send out an email to everyone who applied and whether they got the grant or not.
  • Some discussion about whether or not to let all the teachers know what was funded.
  • Parents want to know what all the fundraisers are. Success fund is where all the schools fundraisers are run through so Tom will do a better job of sending out the success fund page for Brighton
  • Motion to approve Aaron Hadfield seconded by Paul Winkleman
  • We might need to adjust the money is allocated for the grants because we had a little extra money this year.
  • This process is transparent and fair and much better than how we handled it in the past.
  • Should we share this with the community?
    • Put it in the Bengal bulletin
    • Possibly under the community tab on the web page—tom does think it would be a great idea to better advertise the needs we have.
    • Maybe share it with the Cottonwood Heights news letter
  • Cell Phone Policy –
  • Senior Surveys –
    • Have the data, tom will send it out tomorrow. It is not great but not awful
    • Tom does not believe that they are being honest with their feedback. A lot of no opinions.
    • The district wanted to unify it so every school does it the same so we can’t use a different vehicle
  • Teacher of the Year Award
    • Nominations are open and it is easier than ever there are only two things.
    • Encourage people to fill it out ‘
    • Will include it with the above and beyond.
  • AP Scores
    • Tom will resend
  • Miscellaneous
    • Why cheating is so easy and so prevalent?
      • It is easy
      • AI



  • Legislative subcommittee who is meeting with educators who are trying to show the legislature how problematic the policies are right now.
  • Has the attendance policy helped? Yes but there a lot of kids to deal with, many times the parents are unsure of what to do. Is there a threshold for attendance where the parent can request accommodations—automatically disqualify a kid from accommodations if they do not attend. The state has rules if the kid misses every class for ten days they are withdrawn. There is not that much that can be done on the school level because of the legislation. There is no truancy law in Utah. Every VP has attendance meetings with parents and students every day. Adjusting the school culture will help.




  •  Tom sent home a parent square about helping the homeless kids in our school and within a week had $15,000 to support the kids at our school.
  • Reached our target for our Make a Wish fundraiser
  • We re-started the school newspaper
  • We have all four hall monitor positions filled
  • Ms. Nance is having her kids work with Cottonwood Heights city council to do a simulation.
  • Aaron Hadfield’s class is doing their mock election and the community can come and vote.
  • This Saturday is all state for all the bands and 15 kids are performing at Abravanel Hall at 7:00 PM Free of charge we are the third largest contributor in the state.
  • Musical went well.
  • Sterling scholar night went well.
  • Any feedback on what we can do to make kids want to be in school or improvement in athletics.
  • Heard good things about the new wrestling coach.
  • Tom encourages parents to come to him if there are problems with the programs so he can address it rather than sending it to the school board or the superintendent. Most issues are best first addressed at the school level. At least give the school an opportunity to solve it when possible.
  • The proper escalation is: Coach–>AD–>VP–>Tom–>Assistant Superintendent–>Superintendent –>School board

Tom motions to adjourn Emily Nance Seconds it.

NEXT MEETING:  Feb 8, March 8, April 12, May 10

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