Present at Virtual meeting: Katie Tatton, Sybrina Ely, Danni Johnsen, Jennifer Spackman, Lori Anderson, Katie Park, Ryan Durant, Jen Cottam, Anita Maw, Laura Garcia
Welcome/Introductions Katie Tatton
The president that was voted in last spring has stepped down. Katie Tatton has agreed to stay for a second one year term. She will need a vote by the general membership. That vote will go out with the budget approval request.
Approval of Agenda/previous month’s minutes Danni Johnsen
President’s Report Katie Tatton
Meeting Dates–2nd Monday of the Month at 5:00 pm
Digital Club Rush–Need to work with Student Government to be part of this. Ryan will forward info when he gets it.
Volunteer Application Please make sure you’re approved by the district and tracking your hours at this link: Hours Tracking
Please make sure that you’re a member of PTSA. Using a desktop computer or desktop access from your phone, log into your family skyward account, click on fee management, and add PTA membership.
Please check and update Contact Information
Budget Approval email (and president vote)–Kate will send to everyone from last year as it looks like the registration issue with the district will leave us with no new email addresses (or at least no way to differentiate parent vs student emails).
Trainings for various positions available at these links: PTA University and PTA Workshop Webinars.
Treasurer’s Report Jennifer Spackman
Financial Overview
Budget Planning and Discussion. Due to district error, no donation line was available on the registration page, likely leading to a significantly smaller donation. We will budget lightly and are grateful to have a large rollover from last year to serve as a cushion. As there was no official fundraiser, we could consider another fundraiser, but don’t have anyone able to head that up right now. Discussion held on adding money to purchase mobile shelving unit for apparel, vote unanimous in the affirmative.
Vote for approval to send to general membership. Unanimous in the affirmative.
Administration Report Ryan Durant
Digital Club Rush–audio glitchy. He will forward information from Student Government when they let him know what their plan is.
Teacher Rep?
Teacher Report–No Report. Ryan will let us know who is assigned.
Student Board VP Report–No Report Jen Barton
Commissioner Reports
Membership Amy Church
Teacher Appreciation Sheri Casto; Lori Anderson. Soda Bar set up and appreciated by faculty and staff.
Apparel Jen Cottam, Anita Maw
Sell at Football Games–near concessions, possibly on track, but not near seating area. Shelving Request–Anita will look for a shelving unit with wheels. Reflections Laura Garcia
Bengal Bash–No Report Angela Oviatt
Upcoming Dates & Events:
Aug 14 Varsity Football Game
Aug 24 First Day of School
Sept 4 Varsity Football Game
Sept 14 PTSA Meeting