2220 E. Bengal Blvd, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked High School Badge

Office Hours:
Mon. – Fri.: 7 AM – 3 PM

Inclusion Week at Brighton

This week is inclusion week, and we will be doing fun activities each day at school! The goal is to spread awareness of kindness and inclusion and involve as many people as possible! We would love for all Bengals to do our dress-up days.

On Monday, wear yellow to represent inclusion.
On Tuesday, wear Brighton gear.
On Wednesday, wear your favorite Disney gear.
On Thursday, wear your favorite jersey.
On Friday, wear comfy clothes.

Along with some class or school activity each day, we are having our unified scrimmage assembly, and we would love for you to all come! 

All students in our unified basketball team will be scrimmaging the boys’ team like last year! We also will have a halftime from a local Special Olympics dance team. This will be on Tuesday, and the assembly starts around 9:40. It is in the gymnasium, and we will have the small bleachers on the end of the court saved for parents to sit and watch.

Again, we are so excited for this week! 

Thank you! 

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