Welcome Back Bengals!
Brighton High School’s Registration Information
Dear Brighton High Students, Parents, and Guardians:
I would like to take this opportunity to let all of you know how excited I am for the 2023-2024 school year. I was raised in this community, I live in this community, and as I begin my tenure as the new principal of Brighton, I am reminded of the years I’ve spent here. I was a student when we had a school hymn and actually sang it at the beginning of assemblies (“Within these circled halls, there dwells the soul of Brighton High”). Later, I was an English teacher and Student Gov’t advisor while at the same time a parent to four children who graduated from Brighton. From there, I worked for five years as a assistant principal, moved to Corner Canyon last year, and now I am fortunate to return this year as Principal. I have a great love and respect for the history and traditions that have been established at Brighton High School as well as a deep commitment to the community it serves. I am humbled by the opportunity I’ve been given to take on the role of principal, but also so excited to continue the legacy of excellence for which Brighton is known.
Please know that our administrative team: Christian Cowart, Justin Pitcher, Jodi Roberts, April Sagala and I, are committed to serving you, our Brighton families, and helping your students navigate the high school. As we begin the year, our staff has adopted a new slogan: “Success for Every Student” and new mission statement: Brighton High School’s mission is to foster success for all students by providing opportunities to learn at high levels through an inclusive and supportive educational environment. We look forward to focusing on our purpose as educators and the opportunity we have to impact all students for good.
At this time, I would encourage you as BHS parents and guardians to get involved in your student’s high school experience. They need you now more than ever. Encourage your students to take their education seriously, to take courses that challenge them, and to get involved in school activities.
Please feel free to contact me or your assistant principals with any questions or concerns you have regarding your student’s education.
Our registration will be online again this year. Please read the following instructions. You should have received an email/Parent Square from the district with some of this information as well.
Marielle Rawle, Principal
Brighton High Online Registration will begin on Monday, August 7th
You should have received registration instructions and your log-in information from Canyons District.
A link to additional information may be found on the Canyons District web-site. https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/general-news/canyons-district-to-begin-online-registration-aug-7/
If you have questions about your Skyward login information, please call: 801-826-5525
Arena Scheduling (Online Course Adjusting Window)
Schedules will be available for viewing on Monday, August 7th. Online Registration through Skyward must be completed prior to viewing your schedule in Skyward.
Student schedules will be generated based on course requests that were submitted in the spring. This will be the only online registration window to make class adjustments prior to the start of school. After August 16, you will need to contact the Counseling Center to make a schedule change appointment. A senior whose schedule does not meet graduation requirements should see their counselor immediately after registration begins.
If you should have further questions regarding your schedule, please contact the BHS Counseling Center at 801-826-5820.
Senior Arena Opens: Tuesday, August 8th @ 3:00pm
Junior Arena Opens: Wednesday, August 9th @ 3:00pm
Sophomore Arena Opens: Thursday, August 10th @ 3:00pm
Freshmen Arena Opens: Friday, August 11th @ 3:00pm
Arena Closes for ALL Students: Wednesday, August 16th @ 3:00pm
New Student Enrollment
August 8th – 11th we will hold registration for students who are not currently enrolled at BHS (i.e. new move-ins). Please call the BHS Counseling Center to schedule an appointment at 801-826-5820.
Picture/Locker Day (All Students) & Chromebook Checkout for 9th Graders:
Tuesday, August 15th, 7:30am – 2:30pm – Seniors and Juniors
Wednesday, August 16th, 7:30am – 2:30pm – Sophomores and Freshmen
All BHS students are required to obtain a school picture ID card to be used to enter into all activities and athletic events/venues, and to validate identification for specific testing and assessments (i.e., ACT). This picture will also be used for the student’s yearbook photo.
Make-Up Pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 6th for those students who bypass the original picture days of August 15/16. Students without an ID card will have to pay for activities and games until a school ID has been issued.
Picture Retakes will be taken on Tuesday, October 17th for students who have taken original pictures, but would like a retake. Any student that has not taken pictures at this point can also have their picture taken this day so that they can receive an ID card.
Please print off the attached LifeTouch order form and bring it to picture day with payment.
Only those students requesting a locker will be issued a locker. If a student would like to rent a locker they will need to select that option during the online registration process. The annual fee for a locker is $5. This amount will be assessed regardless of when the locker is requested during the school year. It is strongly advised that no items of great value be brought to school.
- If you are a 9th grade student or a student new to Brighton and do not have a school assigned Chromebook, checkout will be during Picture Day on Wednesday, August 19th.
Parking Permits
Due to increased enrollment and limited parking capacity, parking permits will be sold to Seniors and Juniors ONLY in the Main Office on a first come-first served basis at the cost of $10 each beginning Monday, August 7th.
Please print the attached parking contract, fill it out, and bring it with you when your purchase your permit.
Freshman Academy
Friday, August 18th, 9:00am – 12:15pm (Freshmen only)
Freshmen will attend planned orientation activities with teachers, counselors, administrators and student mentors to help them kick-off their Brighton High School experience. Incoming freshmen will have the opportunity to see their school, review school policies, rotate through their schedules, learn about lunch protocol and procedures, find out about upcoming dances and games, and discover how to become involved at BHS. Freshmen will also learn about “ROAR” and “APP,” two programs that reinforce academic achievement and promote positive school behaviors. Lunch will be provided.
Fee Waivers:
If you qualify or believe you may qualify for a Fee Wavier, you will need to meet with your assistant principal after August 7th to complete that process in order to finalize your registration. Once your Fee Waiver has been approved, you will be able to view your schedule. Your assistant principal is assigned by the first letter of the student’s last name.
Mr. Justin Pitcher (A – D) 801-826-5817
Mrs. April Sagala (E – K) 801-826-5813
Ms. Jodi Roberts (L – Q) 801-826-5812
Mr. Christian Cowart (R – Z) 801-826-5814
School Lunch
Brighton High School operates a daily school breakfast and lunch program. The cost of a school breakfast for students will be $1.25 and lunch will be $2.25. We encourage all students to take advantage of the nutritious lunches that are prepared for them daily.
Student numbers are used as lunch numbers. Lunch deposits will be accepted at registration or in the cafeteria beginning the first day of school. We do not give IOU’s or let students carry a debit balance at the high school level.
We participate in the free or reduced lunch program and we encourage families to apply if the feel they are eligible. Forms may be found online at canyonsdistrict.org or in the Main Office.
Go Bengals!