Brighton High School S.C.C. Minutes
Wednesday, September 14th at 3:30pm in the Career Center
BHS Mission Statement – At Brighton High, we choose to be better today than we were yesterday.
In Attendance:
Tom Sherwood, Katie Tatton (SCC Chair), Cheri Hawes (SCC Vice-Chair), Jodi Roberts (Secretary)
Staff Members: Catherine Bates, Kellie Clark, Pace Gardner, Alia Gonzales, Aaron Hadfield, Emily Nance, , Lisa Prudden, Paul Winkelman (arrived at 5:05)
Parent Members: Julie Clawson, Katie Dahle, Cindy England, Mila Gleason, Kari Griffee, Tyson Grover, Liz Jenkins, Matt Misbach, Stefanie Ripplinger, Cherie Sadowski, Jodi Saelund, Michelle Schmidt, Kim Steenblik, and Ily Murdock (PTSA President/Rep)
Via Zoom: Ernest Pulliam (teacher) Marci Cardon, Monica, Meyer, and LeRoy Vea
Guests: (We did have our alternate show up – Tyson Grover)
Welcome by: Katie Tatton, SCC Chair
Attendance is important. More than 2 misses = dismissal from Committee
SCC Chair Nominations: Julie Clawson Nominated: Cherie Sadowski Seconded by: Aaron Hadfield – Vote in favor was unanimous
SCC Vice Chair Nominations: Kim Steenblik Nominated by: Cindy England Seconded by: Aaron Hadfield – Vote in favor was unanimous
Secretary and Voting Member by Principal Sherwood: Jodi Roberts
Approval Minutes from March 2022 meeting
Motion to approve: Katie Dahle
Second: Julie Clawson
Vote to approve was unanimous
Meetings to be held: Second Wednesdays of the Month, except December
Above and Beyond: Award given out to three teachers and one staff member each trimester. Students and parents nominate during Parent Teacher Conferences based on their own experiences. As a SCC Committee the nominations are reviewed. Selections are based on not repeating and having employees who have been at Brighton at least three years.
Community Forums: meeting will be held in the future
Feeder School Meeting: meeting will be held in the future
Land Trust and TSSP: meeting will be held in the future
Cell Tower Fund: update
- Proposal last year by Mr. Gardner to have a specific method for requesting funds.
- Principal Sherwood would like to spend the money on the students who are currently attending school.
- A plan should be established by November.
- All interested parties should have equal access to the funds and uses should be academic in nature.
- Principal Sherwood will bring an amount of the available funds to the committee.
- A subcommittee will take care of this.
Cell Phone Policy
- Principal Sherwood has purchased cell phone pouches
- Cell phones are a minor offense.
- If a cell phone becomes a bigger issue it does go to administration.
- The District does not have a universal cell phone policy.
- Brighton will not be liable for cell phones and have a strict policy, per Principal Sherwood. Locking them away does not teach them to manage a device.
- A few teachers shared their experiences with cell phones in their classrooms.
- He talked about the seniors CCR meetings and the upcoming FAFSA night. Jan Moncur is the new scholarship coordinator. College Week will begin November 10.
- Principal Sherwood explained that Tucker Reynolds was an intern and was hired as a full-time counselor in Jordan District. We have a long term sub as his replacement until we can find a full time solution.
Ily Murdock, PTSA President
- Battle of the Bands will be back this year
- Face Painting will be held at Homecoming
- Bengal Bash/Senior Night
- Fundraiser link was not working at registration. Funds are very low.
- Spreadsheet will be given at future meetings for TSSP and Land Trust
- Cell Tower funds was sent out in the minutes from the last meeting
- Andrew Berry teaches percussion and his salary comes from Cell Tower
- Math Lab comes from TSSP
- PAWS tutoring come from Cell Tower funds
- Student Count is 2360. It is higher than anticipated. The school capacity is over by about 40 students. The freshmen and sophomores classes are over 600. Principal Sherwood will bring a report of the number of permits given to the next meeting. The District is encouraging permits because the District student numbers are down 1300. The projected enrollment is down.
- Principal Sherwood will send out AP scores by the next meeting.
- Senior surveys are given out around May 1. Principal Sherwood will try and get the results from the District by the next SCC meeting.
- For the previous three years PTC have been virtual. Brighton started this pre-COVID. Principal Sherwood asked preferences from parents. Mrs. Murdock loves online. One parent asked if it was possible to offer both. Principal Sherwood discussed how the school could accommodate both. Several parents agreed that they would like in-person conferences. Mr. Hadfield asked if conferences could last longer than six minutes. Mr. Sherwood said the math does not make that possible. Ms. Nance asked if there are ways to make PTC more meaningful. A discussion was held.
- Principal Sherwood sends out a Skyward report of grades and attendance to every family every Saturday.
- The Cottonwood Heights Police have been concerned about the round-about. It is better than anyone anticipated. A parent expressed that kids are crossing wherever they want. Another parent would like a sidewalk to walk on from the B building to the tennis courts. A sidewalk has been proposed, but vetoed because of cost. Principal Sherwood would like to have the PE teachers encourage the students use the path. He knows the path is out of the way.
- Senior parking was brought up by a parent. Principal Sherwood explained that senior parking privilege was only because of construction. There are typically 100 plus parking spots available. The parking now is great! We have sold less permits than we have spots.
Dress Code is a concern. The school understands the issues. We encourage, but don’t enforce. The District has not given the schools any guidance on how to enforce a Dress Code. Principal Sherwood did say that it is a problem every school has the same issue. He will get feedback from the other high schools and do his best to address it here.
- Have Matt and/or Jackie teach Skyward and CANVAS help classes during Parent Teacher Conferences
Catherine Bates shared that this year is much better! Aaron Hadfield agreed that attendance is even better. Emily Nance believes the whole school is in a better place. Principal Sherwood agreed with the positive comments. He did encourage the committee to have their neighbors to not wait if their student is behind in credits. We want all of our students to graduate!
Brighton is looking for an assistant Debate Coach. There is a stipend attached to the position.
The signage that we have looks so nice!
A parent shared that her daughter had a small medical issue and more than one teacher stopped her daughter to check on her.
Motion to adjourn: Lisa Prudden
Second: Aaron Hadfield
Vote was unanimous
NEXT MEETING: October 12th