Learning Express is a website that offers test preparation and skill building courses. Learning express is offered through Utah’s Online Library.
To access the tests and tutorials on Learning Express you must login to Pioneer Library (remember Look online if you need help with school ) and then create a login on the first page of Learning Express (in the bottom right corner). You can create any username and password you would like.
Once signed in type in ACT in the search bar, you will see options for Math, Science, and English tests.
Learning Express offers test preparation for the following tests, and a number of others. You can find these under the College Preparation tab:
SAT Preparation
PSAT Preparation
AP Test Preparation
ACT Preparation
ASVAB, CFAT, Military Flight Aptitude Test, Officer Candidate Test ( These tests are found under the Jobs and Career tab under military).
Learning Express also has skill building courses, such as:
Test Taking Skills Improvement
Popular Software Tutorials
Writing and Grammar Improvement