We are lucky to have available to us some really great literary criticism databases through Utah’s Online Library. Access them by following these steps:
- Go to Utah’s Online Library if you are at home you will need the username and password:
Look online if you need a database
- Go to EBSCO
- Click “All Databases”
- Check the box “Select all databases”
- Type in your search terms and make sure you click “The Full Text” box
- go to the main page of EBSCO
- Scroll down and click Literary Reference Center
- Once there, search for “East of Eden” or another title.
- Make sure to click the full text box.
Another database on Pioneer is through the Gale Reference Center:
- Go to the Utah’s Online Library main page
- Click the Gale Reference Center
- Go to the Discovering Collection
- Search the title of the work
I have also found this a journal entitled “Steinbeck Quarterly” published in full here.
You can also try googling “title of work” criticism site:edu
This will give you search results only from .edu websites, it will significantly decrease the amount of websites you have to go through to find quality information.
Google Tips
- If you aren’t getting the search results you want change your search terms. Make them more specific or less specific, use synonyms, or rephrase.
- Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.
e.g. “Wolves of Yellowstone” will only return search results with that exact phrase
- use search term site:domain to pull up websites with only a specific domain
e.g. wolf site:edu will only pull up .edu sites with “wolf” in them. You can do this for all domains, .edu .org, .gov.
- Add a dash (–) before a word or site to exclude all results that include that word. This is especially useful for words with multiple meanings, like Jaguar the car brand and jaguar the animal. e.g. jaguar speed -car
If you are struggling to find applicable research feel free to e mail the librarian Ms. Bates at catherine.bates@canyonsdistrict.org.