Bengal Bulletin

"We Are B.H.S!"

Events for the Week of May 16th- May 21st

May 16th

Sr. Graduation Meeting, 9:50am Mega Band Basics, 3:00pm Baseball State Playoffs vs. Payson, 4:00pm

Orchestra Concert, 7:00pm

May 17th

Boys Soccer State Playoffs vs. Olympus, 4:00pm Boys Lacrosse State Playoffs vs. Provo, 5:30pm

Choir Concert, 7:00pm

Boys Lacrosse vs. Lone Peak, 7:30pm

May 18th

Band Concert, 7:00pm

May 19th

Boys State Tennis @ Liberty Park Track State Championships @ BYU Girls Lacrosse State Playoffs vs. TBD, 4:00pm Sr. Awards Night, 7:00pm

May 20th

May 21st

Dolci  Review, 6:00pm


Boys State Tennis @ Liberty Park

Track State Championships @ BYU

  • Bengal Bash Graduation Party – For Brighton High School Seniors – Wednesday, May 25th from 10:30pm – 3am. The ticket cost for the night’s entertainment, prizes, food, and fun, is only $35 before May 23rd  and $45 at the door.  Tickets can be purchased online (click on “Tickets”). We encourage and appreciate early ticket purchases so we can plan accordingly.
  • We are still in need of more parents to assist that evening, manning the various activities, food, roaming, set-up and clean-upBengal Bash Volunteer SignUpGenius  to sign-up and help.  If you have any questions, please email the Bengal Bash Committee and Event Chair at
  • Runes Literary Magazines have arrived. Please pay $5.00 in the main office. and then take your receipt to Mr. Meyer in RM: 3307 to receive your copy
  • If your student (14 yrs. and older) needs a great summer job, why not be a school sweeper? Great pay! Great hours! Monday through Thursday 8:30am – 1:30pm with a 30 minute break for lunch. Email: for more information.

  • All senior Chromebooks will be due Friday May 20th. 
  • All textbooks, including English novels will be due Friday May 20th.
  • All library books will be due Monday May 16th.
  • If you have questions regarding your student’s library account please email the librarian Catherine Bates at
  • Did you create a senior capstone project about improving Brighton High School?  Want to see that project come to life and get some scholarship money in the process?  Good, because the Senior Capstone Competition is here!


    Submit your school improvement capstone project by Wednesday, May 18th.  The best project will be funded and the winner will receive a $500 college scholarship.  The winning project will be announced at graduation practice!  


    Submit your work to Mr. Gardner at

  • ASPIRE Make up testing will begin May 18 to May 28.  Students can test from 7:30am to 4:00pm daily.  Students will receive a note from the counseling center to report to room 3600.  Please bring a fully charged Chromebook.  Please email Janalee Moncur with any questions at:

  • ASPIRE testing results will be available from your student’s counselor in October 2022.
  • Just a reminder that all financial transactions are handled by the Main Office. Please don’t try to make payments in the Registrar’s Office, Counseling Center or Attendance Office.

  • Check out to get tickets for our school events such as the girls and boys basketball games and school dances. From the website, you can also watch live feeds of our home games.
  • If your student is struggling with depression, suicide ideation, or other social emotional concerns, our Counseling Center website has resources for you. Follow this link and click on the Social/Emotional tab:
  • Sweepers Needed – Monday through Friday for 2 hours after school each day. This is a perfect job for your student. Email for more information.
  • We will not be taking any delivery services for students in the main office or attendance office. This includes: food delivery services, flowers, balloons, etc. If a delivery service comes to the office for a student order, they will be turned away. Parents/guardians may still drop off items such as lunches, books, or schoolwork for students; however, students will not be called down until the next passing time. If the item will cause a disruption to class, it will be held in the office until the end of the school day and your student may pick it up then. Thanks for your cooperation.
  • It’s never too early to start thinking about college and applying for scholarships! Make a SCHOLARSHIP APPOINTMENT to discuss college, ACT, scholarship opportunities and more with our Scholarship Advisor, Mrs. Schwendiman. To access the calendar and make an appointment, visit:
  • The Counseling Center needs your student to join Remind. Counselors uses Remind
    to communicate important dates, testing information, and other counseling center
    news. Please use the following codes to sign up:


BHS Class of 2021 

Students A-F     @bhs21af 

Students G-L    @bhs21gl 

Students M-R     @bh21smr 

Students S-Z    @bhs21sz

BHS Class of 2022 

Students A-F     @bhs22af 

Students G-L    @bhs22gl 

Students M-R     @bh22smr 

Students S-Z    @bhs22sz

BHS Class of 2023 

Students A-F     @bhs23af 

Students G-L    @bhs23gl 

Students M-R     @bh23smr 

Students S-Z    @bhs23sz

BHS Class of 2024 

Students A-F     @bhs24af 

Students G-L    @bhs24gl 

Students M-R     @bh24smr 

Students S-Z    @bhs24sz


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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here