Bengal Bulletin

"We Are B.H.S!"

Events for the Week of February 28th- March 5th

February 28th

Spring Sports Tryouts Begin

March 1st

March 2nd

March 3rd

Spring Play – Twelfth Night, 7:00 pm

March 4th

March 5th

Spring Play – Twelfth Night, 7:00 pm






Spring Play – Twelfth Night, 12:00 pm

Brighton Families,

Read this week’s Bengal Bulletin for a list of our events, Merit Cord Award info for seniors, news about our summer driver’s ed program and more.

Just a reminder that the Junior Class ACT Test will be held Tuesday, March 8, 2022 on an adjusted bell schedule. 

ACT Schedule 3-8-202.pdf 

Have a great week!

BHS Administration

  • On March 17th every student who has a Chromebook will need to perform a Chromebook functionality test during FLEX. This will ensure that each Chromebookis up to date and compliant for both the ASPIRE test and next school year. Every student who has a school issued Chromebook will need to bring their device fully charged to FLEX on March 17th. More information about the functionality test
    will be forthcoming.
  • Seniors, now is the time to apply for Merit Cord Awards. The purpose of the Merit Cord Award program is to encourage and challenge students as well as reward them for their accomplishments while attending Brighton High School. You can find the different
    Merit Cord Applications on our Brighton counseling website under the Academic tab. Please fill out these applications online by Friday, April 1st, 2022. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Shaw in the counseling center.
  • It’s not too early to think about summer tennis camps and tryouts for Girls Tennis. A parent/player meeting for Girls tennis will be held Monday, April 18, 2022 @ 7:00pm on Zoom. See the flyers below for more information.


  • Boys Tennis Tryouts are coming up. Copy and paste this link into your browser to see
    the flyer:
  • Girls Golf TRYOUTS begin on Monday 2/28 3/2. * All players (both returning &
    new) must register on: BEFORE tryouts or you will not be
    allowed to try out. Fill out everything ***EXCEPT***the physical and fees before
    tryouts (They will not be required until you have made the team).
  • Boys Soccer Tryouts start Monday, February 28, 2:455:00 at the practice fields
    (weather permitting). If there is snow on the ground we will be in the field house 6:30
  • Baseball Tryouts
    All players interested in trying out for baseball, there will be a parent meeting at 6:00 pm in the Twin Peaks Room (3600) on February 9th, located on the 3rd floor above the library. We’ll discuss all things pertaining to the upcoming season.

    Baseball Tryouts will be on Feb. 28th at 2:45pm at the baseball field. All interested should bring their own equipment and dress accordingly. In case of inclement weather, players should meet in the fieldhouse in place of the field. Future schedules and locations may be modified if weather persists and changes will be posted on the school website, and announcements will be made in school. All interested should sign up on prior to tryouts. You will not need to pay any fees until tryouts are completed and rosters have been set.
  • Brighton Boys Lacrosse Tryouts:
    February 28th, 810 pm
    March 1st, 810pm
    Brighton High Turf Field

    Contact Coach O’Donnell with questions.
    (703) 6751173
  • Brighton Girls Lacrosse is having tryouts on February 28 and March 1 from 4:306:30 at the indoor field! No experience needed! Come play for the reigning Region 6 champs, 3rd in state team! We will teach you everything you need to know and have equipment for you. For the first time ever, we will have three teams Varsity, JV A and JV B. We’re looking for athletic, committed and fun girls to play with us. For more information, email Head Coach, Melissa Nash And, check out our Instagram for lots of info about the success of our team @BrightonLaxGirls. GO BENGALS!
  • In response to increasing student need, as a counseling team we are thrilled to offer a Stress Management class during FLEX on Wednesdays from February 2ndMarch 23rd. We will focus on teaching strategies to manage stress, increase mindfulness, resilience and coping skills. This class is open to all students. We are grateful for the opportunity to better support our Bengals. If interested, please email for more information.
  • Every year, the Canyons Education Foundation awards a $1,000 Bright Star college scholarship to a senior at Alta, Brighton, Corner Canyon, Hillcrest, Jordan, Diamond Ridge and Canyons Online high schools. Additionally, they fund a $2,500 Rising Star
    college scholarship to one senior in the district who has “risen” above.

    The Bright Star Scholarship seeks to reward a senior from each high school in the district who has shown improvement or exemplary effort in working toward the goal of postsecondary education.

    The Rising Star Scholarship will reward one senior from the district who has “risen” above difficult circumstances either in family life, financially, emotionally, scholastically, etc. and is still dedicating themselves to furthering their education. All applications
    will be reviewed for both scholarships. Candidates must be a senior at a Canyons District high school and show acceptance
    into a college program.
    • Applicant must complete the online scholarship application and submit all required
    • Scholarship checks will be issued to the attending University or College and the
    • Scholarship funds are for tuition or student fees.
    • Application deadline is Thursday, March 10, 2022 by 5:00 p.m.
    • Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
    • Scholarship winners will be recognized at the Canyons Education Foundation Gala
    on April 14, 2022. Winning recipients are requested to attend this evening
    Please see Mrs. Schwendiman in the counseling center for question 

    A fulllength practice ACT test including the optional Writing Test pamphlet is available in the Counseling Center. Information about the multiple choice and writing sections plus testtaking strategies are included. The CSD sponsored junior class test will be Tuesday, March 8th at 7:30 am at Brighton High School. Room assignments will be announced in February. The makeup test will be Tuesday, March 22 at 7:30 am in Room 3600.
  • Check out to get tickets for our school events such as the girls and boys basketball games and school dances. From the website, you can also watch live feeds of our home games.
  • If your student is struggling with depression, suicide ideation, or other social emotional concerns, our Counseling Center website has resources for you. Follow this link and click on the Social/Emotional tab:
    Have you ever wanted to “shadow” a professional to get a first-hand look into a career? Sign up to participate in the Canyons School District Job Shadow Day. Thursday, March 10. Limited spots available on a first come basis. You must be able to provide your
    own transportation to the business site. Catered lunch to follow at Brighton Sign up link:


  • Code to Success Parent Information Night Wednesday, February 23rd at Jordan High
  • CTEC registration opened Friday, January 7th and will remain open until classes are filled.
  • Junior and Senior Class Students are encouraged to apply for the Utah’s Seal of Biliteracy Award. The Seal of Biliteracy is a designation by the Utah State Office of Education signaling a student’s demonstrated proficiency in English and a world language. The application window starts today, November 30, 2021, and closes on January 21, 2022. All applications are online at AAPPL testing will be available at Brighton High School March 1, 2, 10, or 11, 2022. Approved applicants will be contacted by Mrs. Jan Moncur to set up the AAPPL test in February 2022. If you have any questions, please email

  • Junior Class ACT Test will be held Tuesday, March 8, 2022 on an adjusted bell schedule (TBD). Look for more information to come. Freshmen and Sophomore Aspire Testing will be held April 13 & 14, 2022 on an adjusted bell schedule (TBD).
  • Sweepers Needed – Monday through Friday for 2 hours after school each day. This is a perfect job for your student. Email for more information.
  • We will not be taking any delivery services for students in the main office or attendance office. This includes: food delivery services, flowers, balloons, etc. If a delivery service comes to the office for a student order, they will be turned away. Parents/guardians may still drop off items such as lunches, books, or schoolwork for students; however, students will not be called down until the next passing time. If the item will cause a disruption to class, it will be held in the office until the end of the school day and your student may pick it up then. Thanks for your cooperation.
  •  Junior Class ACT Test will be held Tuesday, March 8, 2022 on an adjusted bell schedule (TBD). Registration is done by Canyon School District and Brighton High School. Junior class students do not need to register online. Students are required to bring picture ID such as driver’s license or student school ID card, #2 pencils with great erasers (no mechanical pencils) and an approved calculator for the math section only. NO ELECTRONICS can be handled by the student during the duration of the testing period which is from 7:30 am till noon. If a student handles their electronics, the student will be dismissed, and the test will not be graded. If a student fills in or alters responses to any multiplechoice questions or continue to write once time is called, the student will be dismissed. Students may not look at any section of the test outside of the designated time for that test. Students will be assigned classroom number and this will be announced in February 2022 through the Bengal Bulletin and emails.

    Other National ACT tests registration is available at Test dates are always on Saturdays: February 12, April 2, June 11, July 16, September TBA, October TBA, and December TBA.

    If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Janalee Moncur

           Look for more information to come.

         Freshmen and Sophomore Aspire Testing will be held April 13 & 14, 2022 on an
         adjusted bell schedule (TBD).

  • We need substitute teachers! According to Sally Sansom, CSD Human Resource Administrator, in just the first few weeks of the school year, CSD is receiving more than 100 requests a day for substitutes. Canyons is committed to ensuring that every class has supervision, but the dearth of active subs has required schools to ask office staff to leave their regular duties to teach a class, or recruit part-time employees to come in on their days off If you’re interested in becoming a substitute teacher at Brighton follow this link for more information:
  • It’s never too early to start thinking about college and applying for scholarships! Make a SCHOLARSHIP APPOINTMENT to discuss college, ACT, scholarship opportunities and more with our Scholarship Advisor, Mrs. Schwendiman. To access the calendar and make an appointment, visit:
  • The Counseling Center needs your student to join Remind. Counselors uses Remind
    to communicate important dates, testing information, and other counseling center
    news. Please use the following codes to sign up:


BHS Class of 2021 

Students A-F     @bhs21af 

Students G-L    @bhs21gl 

Students M-R     @bh21smr 

Students S-Z    @bhs21sz

BHS Class of 2022 

Students A-F     @bhs22af 

Students G-L    @bhs22gl 

Students M-R     @bh22smr 

Students S-Z    @bhs22sz

BHS Class of 2023 

Students A-F     @bhs23af 

Students G-L    @bhs23gl 

Students M-R     @bh23smr 

Students S-Z    @bhs23sz

BHS Class of 2024 

Students A-F     @bhs24af 

Students G-L    @bhs24gl 

Students M-R     @bh24smr 

Students S-Z    @bhs24sz


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here